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Coffee Origins

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Colombian Asobris Organic

Flavours of dark chocolate red fruits and caramelised nuts.

Colombian Excelso

Balanced with a medium body, notes of chocolate spice and fruit!

Guatemala New Oriente

Best with a darker roast to bring out the rich syrup like Belgian Chocolate flavour.

Guatemala Todosanterita

Flavours of chocolate brownie and dark spices with a hint of vanilla.

Kenya AB

Bright full flavour, with lemony zest and tones of blackberry. There is no substitute.

Papua New Guinea

Flavours of cocoa, roasted almonds, dark spices with a caramel finish.

Supremo Blend

WINNER of the Gold Medal for Best Plunger/ Filter Coffee at the NZ Coffee Awards!

Swiss Water Decaf Espresso

A full body with good flavour, great for espresso.